Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Life without Gravity

Gravity, what comes up must come down. You may not know it but gravity plays a bigger role in your life than you think. Not only does it keep everything on earth but it also keeps your body pretty functional too.

Throughout time, all species on Earth have evolved in some way. A factor in that evolution is gravity, expecially with land mammals. We have evolved to function with Earths gravity. Gravity affects how we grow and without it weird things start happening.

Without gravity we would be immensely weaker. With less pressure on us our muscles would be much weaker. Bones also wouldn't grow as "correctly" as they do now. All of this would probably lead to shorter lifetimes as well.

Even astronauts today who stay up in space for extended periods of time have minor problems that start appearing. Not as severe as the ones previously mentioned but still. So obviously getting to space is one thing, but this proves that staying there is something else. I would be extremely happy to just go to space so I'm not complaining, its just a concern of mine.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Mind Vacation

Remember the movie Total Recall, the old one (good one) not the new one (bad one). If not, in the movie there are machines that basically give you the feeling of doing something so that it feels like a memory you had. For example, want a vacation to Paris but don't have the time, this machine would replicate the experience in your mind; like a dream you get the sense you went on that vacation or that you used to be an astronaut or possibly lived a nicer, more interesting life.

What could technology like this do in the real world? Obviously all of the above was covered in the movie, but what about learning a new subject or language. If this existed theoretically couldn't we just put this machine on and in an hour we learned what could've taken a month of schooling? Think about the extra time people would have. So much more could be accomplished tech like this existed. More people would know more of every subject. Mechanics wouldn't be needed as much because everyone knows how to fix their car, basically most service jobs would be a lot less necessary. Professionals would be less important because most could do what they do. Honestly the world would seem a little more dull, people would be less unique, unemployment would be an issue because everyone can do what you do as good as you do it...

No need to worry though, technology like this is far from reality. There is still alot about the mind and about dreams we don't know yet. We know about dreams, and where they are active in the brain, but there are so many more unknowns. You could think your recalling a past experience when possibly it was all just a dream you had had. See, it isn't far fetched that a machine like this could be used to gain knowledge. A problem that comes to mind is a problem with dreams aswell. Would information gathered while in this machine quickly fade from memory like a dream. Only on rare occation can I ever remember my dreams 10 minutes after I wake up, so does that mean the information would flee my head aswell or would it somehow stick in my memories.

Revenge of the Sith

The third time really must be the charm. The third installment of the prequel trilogy of Star Wars is leaps and bounds better than the first 2 were. Revenge of the Sith is honestly my favorite Star Wars movie, it has everything and very little errors, but could it have done anything better?

Well some complain that Anakins change to the dark side was too abrupt, but I disagree. The Emperor gets in his head and makes him think the jedi are traitorous and evil. Therefore to stop them they must be terminated, and he has to save the love of his life, sure. But killing children is slightly overdoing it...

Next jump to the end when Padmè dies of "heartbreak", what? I mean Anakin force chokes her and she dies of hearthbreak, loses the will to live. I mean couldn't her windpipe have been crushed or something I mean, come on. Its just silly I'm sorry if you think otherwise.

Hold up, one more problem. This time with the script. Before the battle between Anakin and Obi wan, Obi wan says "only a sith deals an absolute". That is an absolute... Are you a sith Obi? How did they not notice this, i mean, it has the word ONLY in it. Its a cool line, but it makes no sense.

Overall still the best of the films in my mind. It's problems are far more minor than the other movies. And since they figured it out mostly at the end I am confident that episode 7 will live up to Star Wars high standard.