Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Phantom Menace

The "first" Star Wars movie is often considered the worst of the Star Wars trilogies. It has a few great scenes but mostly it is a lot of  unnecessary background junk, and of course way to much JarJar. But is there more than just the obvious story flaws to this movie?

It begins fine aside from the painful JarJar commentary. When you see the underwater city for the first time you think "cool, its like living in bubbles". But a few scenes later and there are huge monster-fish eating other monster-fish and immediately you think, "why don't those fish go to the underwater city and completely wreck it"? I mean, those creatures are like 5 minutes away, It makes no sense...

Fastforward to tatooine and we meet a creature named Watto. Watto is a chunky thing so let me ask, how do those small, thin, dragonfly-like wings keep him in the air? Ah, because he is mostly gas and very lightweight, so my problem isn't there. My problem is what he says, "Jedi mind tricks don't work on me", yeah no. So stormtroopers, perfectly cloned soldiers are weak minded, but a fat, stingy bug creature is invulnerable because he is greedy? At least try to make sense!

Lastly, towards the end of the movie we see child anakin begin to pilot one of the naboo fighters. He somehow turns it on and begins to fly right into a space battle. In this battle he manages to fly into the droid command ship and blow it up. How does a small child who has never flown before, accomplish such a task. And if it was that easy to get into the ship and blow it up, why was nobody doing it?

These are just a few complaints I have about the movie. Don't get me wrong, it had great parts, like the fight with darth maul, or the podraces. But some things in this movie just make you stop and think, what? Why? And take away from the movie.

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