Monday, November 10, 2014

The Final Frontier

Space may be thought of as the vast, open frontier. Endless possibilities that mankind is bound to never uncover. Although all that is true, there is another place that holds just as many questions as space does. There is place that contains species that are one would make one think they came from a nightmare. There is a place that the knowledge of man is more scarce than that of space. Of course I am talking about the deep, depths of the ocean.

You may not believe me, but the ocean is full of mystery, and it is shown in many ways. Think of the Lochness monster, or the Giant squid. Those things were imagined by people undoubtedly curiously afraid of the mystery that lies in the aquatic sandbox that is the sea. The Giant Squid has turned out to actually be a thing, so just saying, keep one eye open out there in the water. But in all seriousness, humans only make stories, fictional settings, or monsters up for things that they just plain don't understand, it isn't a new concept.

One reason the deep blue sea is an area lacking in knowledge is that is is hard to reach. It is just as hard to get to the bottom of the deepest parts of the ocean, as it is to get to space, almost harder one could argue. We could send a probe out into space no problem and it can relay information back from far distances, we are already doing this, its just excruciatingly long to do. But the pressure of the water and the temperature are some factors that make it harder to reach. Combine the difficulty to get there with the possibility for life we cannot even comprehend it makes the sea seem like the most curious place there is. Scientists find new life down there all the time, usually creepy but hey. We still aren't even sure life is out there in space which is why I and many others, deem the ocean, the true final frontier.

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