Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Smart Watches

I'm not sure if smart watches are becoming a fad or not. I've never seen a single person wearing one, I don't know many people who would want to wear one, but yet every tech company out there is feeling the need to make one. I think the lack of need is a reason I don't see them around. If we didn't already have smartphones than sure, these would be huge! But we do. Why would you buy an overpriced gadget that does everything your phone does, except instead of putting it in your pocket, it goes on your wrist. The price really isn't that big of a deal. Every new tech is insanely expensive when it first comes out. Phones were, tvs were, and nowadays VR headsets are. Eventually they will all drop in price once enough are on the market. A good question to ask is will everyone be picking them up once they become affordable, or will they never completely catch on. The I-Pad is a good example of a product that nobody needed, yet it caught on. Nobody would have bought an i-pad if the tagline was "your phone with a bigger screen and without the ability to call." It was sold as something new and a must have item. Can apple pull the same with the smart watch or are people smart enough not to fall for the same kind of product twice. My opinion is that it will catch on when the price drops, but not as much as companies want. It will be kind of big but you may just seem rich and snooty if you decide to purchase one and wear it in public, if it can shred that connotation that it has with it then it will get bigger. If not, it will stay as a cool idea but not something people need, unless they want to talk into their wrist like Buzz Lightyear or in Star Trek...

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