Sunday, January 11, 2015

Galactic Government

Say 300 years have passed. You are dead. I am dead. But our great great great great grandchildren wouldn't be (give or take 1-2 great's). In this alternate reality, we have encountered aliens and years have passed and we have representatives in some space government. Our representatives would then be representing all of mankind. Is it even possible? Perhaps we have colonized planets too, its too many people to represent. Lets take a page from Star Wars, as usual. The Republic has a Galactic Senate. The future could have a Federation of Planets where each planet has representatives. But even then, humans are all so different, nothing can be done ever that would satisfy EVERY person in the world. An alien race could all be nearly identical in personality and beliefs but humans are not that similar. So maybe just find a planet that has similar views as you do and that's the best way to go about this. Another point to bring up is how would the human race fit into this government. What would we contribute. We could be unwelcomed. Treated as the scum of the universe because we are flawed compared to these super aliens with their fancy senate. Or we could join it and realize it's corrupted, by an old, powerful ruler who won't give up his spot in office. (hint hint wink wink).

What history tells me is that this probably won't be the case, at first. Think of how Americans treated natives of America, how English treated natives of India. If karma is real you would think the aliens would come in and just take over our government and do what we did hundreds of years ago. Treat us as lesser beings. Not as mindless animals or anything, just pathetic things that don't deserve to rule ourselves, and who knows, maybe they are right. I think it would be pretty funny if an alien armada came in, took over all government on the planet, and then things were better than they had ever been. Economic growth, industrial growth, all under some galactic alien control. Nobody could even really get mad. Since we are viewed as a species it would be true, full blown equality, so there is a positive. It could be just like Communism, without a greedy ruler doing Communism wrong like every time here on Earth...

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