Sunday, January 11, 2015

Star Wars Rumors

I read something a few days ago that was some pretty cool news. A character from the Star Wars prequels may be returning. More specifically from Phantom Menace. Don't get your hopes up, it isn't you or my favorite character Jar Jar Binks, but rather Qui-Gon Jinn. Yes Liam Neeson in a recent interview said he was interested and would definitely replay his role as the Jedi Master. This is fantastic news not only because he is one of the best characters in the Star Wars universe, but it's nice to hear something about the Stars from the Prequels, because I enjoyed a lot of those characters but for the most part I feel that nobody even talks about the prequels. Qui-Gon was what the ideal Jedi should be. He is cool and collected, but isn't afraid to go against the order a little bit, something that we don't see throughout the films after episode I. It was a shame that he got so little screen time and that he died at the end of Phantom Menace (spoiler alert). But that said, he is dead, so how would a new film even be made with the character now.

The Star Wars universe a great way of doing this. He could reappear as a force ghost and help guide the jedi in a future movie. He obviously won't be in the Force Awakens, but there is no reason we have to rule out the next 2. Episode III hinted at this with Yoda telling Obi Wan that his master (Qui Gon Jinn) has learned the way to immortality. And he actually does show up in the animated Clone Wars series. They already have Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Kenny Baker, all these guys from the original trilogy coming back, so why not give some nostalgia to those who grew up with the prequel trilogy...

If there is no way to work Qui Gon into the plot of the main trilogy again, than that is fine. Being a ghost, it wouldn't do the character as much justice anyway. That is why a stand alone, Qui Gon Jinn film would be just as great. It could be like a prequel to the prequels, possibly even feature padawan Obi Wan, and this time, just them without an annoying kid or an even more annoying native of Naboo. It could explain the background of the character and really show him off and flesh him out more. There has been a rumored Boba Fett side movie so I again, don't see the problem with doing one featuring a different, yet just as cool character. Another thing that would be plausible is Christopher Lee could play Dooku alongside Qui Gon Jinn, showing Dooku as a Jedi, which is something we never get so see. As you may know he was a Jedi turned Sith at some point in time between episode I and II. All of this theorizing is getting pretty far fetched but still. I am trying to hit all the possibilities here, whatever they may be. It may seem like I am trying to get Disney to milk the crap out of the franchise, but why would you care? Ever since 2004 we have had hardly anything Star Wars that was actually good, and some would argue even earlier than that. So I say go ahead and milk it because I will enjoy any film they put out. Heck, Marvel launches a superhero movie every year, sometimes more, and pretty much all of them turn out great, Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America: The Winter Solider both came out in 2014 and both were good films. All this news to me proves that you can't have enough Star Wars. Star Wars has no maximum, no limit, so churn the movies out all you want Disney, I will watch every, single, one.

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